@Whistle Blossom
Not really. Chrysalis is aware of it, she just doesn’t want to admit it. Her deteriorating pride jumped in at the last second to make her be like “Whatever! I only did this because Grogar told us too! You got that?!”
@Background Pony #4539
Maybe, but these three have already been established as characters a lot longer. They’ve been interesting villains in their own right. While Grogar is just another ancient threat to Euqestria. Even if they built up his character, he still has to compete with them.
Also, that would still leave these three as just acting as flunkies for Grogar, when they’re all major villains themselves.
That is subjective to whether or not these three are more interesting than Grogar. In my opinion, if they kept Grogar in the finale, that would have been the perfect time to build up his character.
@Smart Heart
I don’t, and neither does the show. His actions bring dire consequences; to himself, his friends he thought he was helping, and to Equestria as a whole. He ended up losing his power and everyone he cared about because of his actions.
But you can’t condone him for using creatures and throwing them away when they’ve served their purpose. Even if the ones being used are bad guys.
And because of that, three villains who were only threats to themselves when they were apart had to be sent to die? But hey, “not everyone can be redeemed.” Discoed proves to be no exception.
@Smart Heart
Discord is still thinking like a control freak. He’s changed but not fully. Which led to that happening. He thought he was doing good, and helping Twilight become a better princess. But he still has a lot to learn.
Speaking of subversions, where does that leave Discord? He knowingly sent three major villains out to fight Twilight knowing we’ll all three would lose. That alone proves he’s no better than those three.