
I’m honestly glad this is how Cozy’s story ends (for now), not just because they deserves it, but watching the fanbase screech and scream about how wrong it is is pure entertainment in and of itself. Not everyone CAN be redeemed, and the shit they did is pretty unforgivable.
Background Pony #AF31
I’d take this over whatever the show was trying to do.
Background Pony #EE3F
Kids can be either good or bad, but they are never ‘kill my enemies and usurp the throne’ levels of bad,  
without some really awful influence from parents, guardians, or whoever they look up to.
Like all MLP ponies, fillies are even more inclined to be nice and sweet when happy, and frightened and defensive (running, hiding) when upset.
Cozy Glow is nothing like any other pony child in the show.  
And with no explanation for why the hell she is so damn awful and evil (thanks writers!),  
This one is the closest to making any sense.

Cozy Glow did nothing wrong.
Background Pony #5500
His goal is to get angry pony parents forming a twitter mob spamming Twilight with #FreeCozy and #DownWithTyrantTwilight. 🙂
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

@Background Pony #369B
Or act like she isn’t in possession of moral agency due to being precocious and fully aware of what she’s doing.

I’d read that fan fiction.
More than Cozy’s fate I was disappointed that we never got to see the real Grogar.
Background Pony #DA3B
“She is a monster in the form of a little girl.”

She’s a loser! XD
Background Pony #636F
No sir I don’t like it.
Background Pony #31BA
Meanwhile some people are trying to downplay the severity of her crimes.
Background Pony #F0CF
@Background Pony #310B  
Where is that being justified here? The OP is assuming she wasn’t, and suggesting alternative.
Background Pony #89C8
Expectedly, people are now trying to justify an outright execution of a child.
Background Pony #2A83