Silverstream: See! You did it Yona! You got from one side of the pond to the other!
Smolder: ‘Course, she wouldn’t have to do that if she just grew wings and flew over it.
Yona: *pokes tongue out at Smolder*
Sandbar: Says the dragon who is noticeably standing a good distance from the edge of the water. Afraid it’ll make you cough smoke again?
Silverstream: Now don’t be mean Sandy. Smolder just had a bad experience the last time we went swimming. It’s not her fault.
Smolder: *growls* I didn’t have a bad experience!
Yona: Dragon definitely made mess.
Ocellus: Aww don’t worry Smolder. It didn’t take too long for the air to clear afterwards.
Gallus: Metaphorically, no. Literally however; it took a good while to get the smell of charcoal out of my feathers.