@Background Pony #B23E
Yeah I get that, but I mean in detail, since there’s a lot of incest and time-traveling, like Who’s their father/uncle, sister/mother, etc
If you feel that you need to ask me more questions about this, please do ask me all the questios you want, just ask me 1 question at the time.
@Background Pony #CE9D
How about:
Trixie being Starlight’s mother and Sunburst’s cousin, both Trixie and Twilight being Luna and Starswirl’s granddaughters, not to mention Starswirl being Twilight paternal and maternal grandfather making Night Light and Twilight Velvet half-siblings, Blueblood being Cadence’s father and Twilight’s uncle, Sunset being Starlight and Sunburst’s daughter, Stygian being Neighsay’s son, Chrysalis being the incestuous magical lesbian spawn of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, shipping Flurry Heart with Moondancer’s sister. Basically, everything that isn’t confirmed canon has holes you could drive an 18-wheeler through.
I am very sorry to tell you this, but this wasn’t meant to be a joke in anyway shape or from. Please tell me, what part does make absolutely no sense in your mind?