Adding to this tier list’s problems (again), there’s no Pony of Shadows (though it’d probably be a low rank), and more importantly (since nobody has brought it up yet), there’s no Mean Twilight on the list; she would’ve defeated Chrysalis if the Tree of Harmony didn’t do anything, and it’s doubtful her ambitions would’ve stopped there.
@Darkest Lunar Flower
Well, i made that picture of “fideos chikitos” like an edit from a picture from Jojos bizarre adventures that became a meme in the latinoamerican fandom. that’s why the “chikitos” instead of “chiquitos”
And, Nightmare Moon is the villain who have a very personal reason to be evil, she don’t want to take the world (at least isn’t the first thing to do) she just want to be superior to Princess Celestia, that motivation would make her the most complex villain in the series… but she have the bad luck to be the first villain of the first 2 episodes, making impossible justice in the character.
If you change the first apparition of Nightmare Moon and Sombra, that actually helps to NM, Sombra is so flat in personality that actually works like the first villain of the series meanwhile Nightmare Moon for be the villain of the season 3, she would show her pain for be the shadow of Celestia for more time, without be worried about the Mane 6 because we know how are they in personality.
And really would be cool that instead of Sombra, the Crystal empire was Luna’s attempt to show that she can rule better than her sister, but failed, taking it to the destination we see at the start of season 3.
Oh, and I don’t think I can personally justify putting Nightmare Moon above Tirek, or Sombra (why would Sombra be below Sunset? He’s easily the better villain).
Anyway, moving on, Flim and Flam not really “kind of reformed,” like at all. If their cameo is implying anything in Between Dark and Dawn, their scummy ways might have ultimately cost them the resort, because the general population have gotten sick of them (wearing disguises in BGE to avoid being recognized).
The Tantabus part devolved into angry ranting too fast for my liking (the worst kind, at that), but that’s just my opinion.
All in all, S9 has made me appreciate Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis’ characters more, so far, in any case.
Shifting topic a bit, for the people who are preemptively calling Grogar a weak villain because “hE hAsN’t dOnE aNyThInG tO JuStIfY bEiNg cOnSiDeRed A tHrEaT,” that’s a premature statement until his role in the story is over, isn’t it?
That Chrysalis as a villain is anything above low tier is nonsense. Season 9 made her better so I guess mid tier. But Season 2 to 6 was just a cardboard cutout villain.
FLuttercord and LyraBon aren’t on the same level as other ships. Their teasing is consistent and [art of the story. Not some “gave flowers for apology but shippers interpret it as romance” nonsense. caressing of the face happened only between Discord and Fluttershy in S9 and between Lyra and Bon Bon in episode 100. Its pretty much a non confirmed quazi-canon ship and even Spike teased it in canon.
@Background Pony #F7D1
I know, right? Not to mention, unlike SugarMac, FlutterCord isn’t canon. It’s just been ship-teased a little bit. Lots of ships have gotten that treatment in the series (including other ships with Discord like Dislestia and other Fluttershy ships like FlutterDash). And based on talks that some of the staff has said, I don’t think any of the Mane 6 will get canon ships, at least not in Friendship is Magic (Equestria Girls is probably a completely different story).