@Background Pony #1D9A
I agree, but after the last episode with them all I wouldn’t mind anymore. It is what it is, you know? I mean, this isn’t Game of Thrones, after all. I wouldn’t be watching if I expected it to be more mature and thoughtful than it is.
They’ve reformed way too many villains as it is. At some point you’ve gotta give the message, not everyone can be reformed/some are just always going to be evil.
I wanted to emphasize the childishness of the environment, so I decided to give it an imperfect colored pencil look by coloring the walls manually.
It was obnoxious. But I think the end result is effective.
“Yes… I SHOULD put these… disturbing thoughts of mine to good use! Just imagine all the children’s love I could share! …STEAL, I meant steal!”