Mane Six reactions to cockroaches:
Twilight: Puts it in magic bubble, releases outside.
Rarity: Panic. Drama. Lots of running around being pursued by the flying insect.
Rainbow Dash: Try to fight it on midair… Until the little abomination lands on her mane… Then panic, screaming “Get it off,” repeatedly.
Fluttershy: Speak with it, befriend, give food, release back outside.
Pinkie Pie: Put a party hat on it, throw a welcome party.
@Background Pony #DB63
I know. Here, hold this image. Would these cockroach trio will replace ladybirds so can Twilight Sparkle be afraid of roaches and not ladybirds?
Be scare of cheese and ladybug, hasbro start to ruin this character, she be eat stuff and she a see ladybug befor and not be scare and why she be scare now?, IS only ONE fear she got and is SNAKE(the Animal not the Snake from MGS) this why i never see those mistake of hasbro as canon! if do take my time to see all mistake and ruin a character on all season i think i will not finish but is will be a very big list! not only on twilight but all character!
Note: Twilight become Alicorn and Princess is NOT a Mistake, Yes is not what the creator have in mind but is hasbro want it, quit only for this is be very immature of heri hate to say it but i am right If she never quit many episode will be far better!