Kagura Kuroko
@Background Pony #DE7F
I hope you mean as in high average, as opposed to normal average.
I hope you mean as in high average, as opposed to normal average.
There are countless characters that deserve to be revisited (Babs Seed, Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon, Lightning Dust, Rolling Thunder, Short Fuse, Suri Polomare, the Pillars, Gilda/Gabby/Greta, Coco Pommel, Autumn Blaze, Iron Will, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail, Cheese Sandwich, Daring Do, Ahuizotl, Pharynx, Wind Rider, Gladmane and many others)They can also show Scorpan, Grogar, Katrina, Zebras, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Abessinia and a whole heap of other things one day.We still have to see the CMC Manehattan, meet other Zebras, hear more stories about AJs parents and learn more about Trixies past and her father.Autumn Blaze must meet Pinkie and Maud.Limestone, Marble and Cheerilee need their special someponies.Discord could have an adventure with the CMC.Spike has yet to meet his real parents.AND I want Rainbow to reconcile with Lightning and start a friendly rivalry with her.
@Background Pony #DF52
Not necessarily.
There was more than enough potential for at least a few more great seasons.
Too bad.