Rainbow Dash: LIGHTNING DUST, YOU LITTLE (swearing)! YOU SON OF A (bleep)! I’M GOIONG TO (bleep) AND SHOVE (bleeping and indistinct chattering) SO THEN YOU’LL HAVE TO SH*T SIDEWAYS! (bleep)
RD: Hey, guys.
(Yeah, all credit goes to MindlessGonzo and LittleKuriboh for that joke)
You know what the worst part about the original ending to the episode was, apart from Lightning Dust doing a last-minute 180? It COMPLETELY missed the opportunity for Rainbow Dash to say, “You can be my wingpony any time.”
Considering the job profile, “prone to violence” may not be a bad thing.
I am, of course, referring to war by definition, not peacekeeping or police actions.
Pure, glorious, motherloving chaotic destruction.
if all military are prone to violence for such miniscule reasons as you say, then it makes me glad that i dont SHUHPORT ARR CHROOPS