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Help fund the $15 daily operational cost of Derpibooru - support us financially!
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The creators of Courage the Cowardly Dog understood and used this brilliantly. Some of the most memorable scenes were primarily because of the way they were in a completely different style to the actual show. King Ramses is a good example because of just how unsettlingly otherworldly he seemed. Same with the completely 3D… fetus… thing which whispers “You’re not perfect.” Or that Claymation… thing that was playing the violin (though that could just be my innate fear of Claymation). Just a few examples, but it clearly shows the writers knew what they’re doing. As for here, well, I’m not completely sold on it, BUT a friend brought up a good point as I was typing this, it could also be because of how complex they look. When we first saw them, they only had a few frames to work on, here, they’re fully animated, and due to their rather complex design, it may have been easier for them to do, which I totally understand.
I wonder what Fluttershy will do when she hears about this.
That is all.
i think i came…