Of the images with the straight tag, there are 3,522.
Of the images with the gay tag, there are 959.
Of the images with the lesbian tag, there are 5,732. The most out of any of them.
Now, according to Starly, many images with lesbian content lack the ‘lesbian’ tag, which means there are an unknown number of images that don’t contribute to the overall ‘lesbian’ count. Most straight and gay images are tagged with their appropriate sexuality tags.
At the end of the day the numbers speak for themselves; lesbian content holds a significantly higher number over the other two sexuality tags.
In Layman’s terms: there is MORE than enough lesbian stuff.
You may think that, random asian symbols, but lots of it is just tagged improperly. Lots of lesbian images justmiss the lesbian tag completely. I always try to add it to images that are blatantly lesbian. :/
So that;s even silly to say there’s not enough lesbians…
@lefty Dude, there’s not enough lesbian stuff around here. I have a bunch of tags hidden to keep out as much straight stuff as possible. One reason I love FiM so much is precisely because there are fewer males to get in the way.
There really is too much lesbian stuff in general, but Molestia’s really fallen deep into it. It’s like Starly said; she might as well be re-named to Lesbiestia at this point. But it makes sense when you A: realize that this show is comprised mostly of females, and B: that JJ is just doing what will get him the most views and publicity(and there’s nothing wrong with that).