But what if I’m applying for the position of Princess of something and I want to know what perks to look forward to? Like living an unnaturally long time.
I honestly think it was just her genetics. Thinner legs so early in their ages isn’t a sign of good athletic abilities for horses, if I’m not mistaken.
And imagine how much makeup Rarity would put on if she were a zombie.
@Background Pony #DE70
You never know. We just visibly see 21 candles on the cake. Either way, there’s no way Dash is 19 and Rarity’s 30. I doubt they’d have that big of a age gap considering they look around the same age as fillies with Fluttershy possibly having a growth spurt. I feel the mane 6 are in their early or mid 20s. They seem like young adults and it’s shown in Where The Apple Lies that Diamond Tiara’s parents are newly engaged when Applejack is shown to be a few years older than Apple Bloom in the flashback. If that doesn’t prove my point, I don’t know what does. The CMC have to be 10 or older, most bronies assume 12 by now.
I just had a thought, G4 Applejack is often compared against her G1 self, what if the reason why AJ didn’t disclose her age here is because if she wrote down a number, she wouldn’t be able to lie about her age, and her age is actually quite old since she was around for G1?
I think a few years have passed since season 4 since we’ve had a bunch of Hearth’s Warming episodes and Dash’s birthday cake had 21 candles. I think Pinkie is the youngest at 24 and Dash is a couple months older, Twilight and Fluttershy are 25, Applejack and Rarity are 26, Starlight is 23, and Spike is 14 or 15 in pony years.
While I think the gap is a but much, I do like that Rainbow is the youngest. She was the shortest in the flashbacks, and generally acts the least mature. I’ve always viewed her as being about a year behind everypony else.
Pinkie Pie jokes about how old Fluttershy is, and it is implied she is the oldest. In fact in the episode where they mention how they got their cutie marks, she’s the tallest. With that said, and with Fluttershy stating she’s a year older than pinkie, it can easily be assumed no other of the mane six can be older than Fluttershy. With that in mind and the fact that Twilight Sparkle was taking an entry text for basic level education, she could as well be the youngest.
Applejack mentioned she took longer than her peers to obtain her cutie mark, therefore it is safely assumed she is closer in age to Fluttershy.