If you remember the original, how it tasted like a blend of pepper and lemon, the new stuff is nothing like that: it actually tastes good now. Definitely its own distinct taste, it’s not simply “Pepsi without the coloring,” as some have said. No, it’s exactly what the original should have been. I keep hoping for a diet version, as I’m a Type 1 diabetic, but the way the cola industry is going, I’m not holding my breath.
If it helps you locate some, I usually find it in odd little grocery stores (the ones that carry the goofy Faygo flavors are good to try), or occasionally at Walgreens or CVS. Meijer carried it for a while. I stockpiled a couple of dozen, just in case. ;)
Twi: Upset.
Shy: Scared.
Dash: Pissed.
AJ: Kindly pointing out what a jerk Pinkie’s being.
Rares: Tired of her antics.
Pinkie: Surprise picnic entrance!