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Artist’s original description:
Sandbar: (yaaaaawwnn) Morin Gallus. (gets out of bed and looks at the direction of the nest and notices something)… Oh. Ooooooh. (walks quietly to the door, opens and silently closes then walks down the hallway)
Sandbar: Ow! (rubs head)Smolder : Yeah, morning to you too, Sandy. (rubs her head)Sandbar: Smolder, I thought I told you not to call me that.Smolder : Yeah whatever you say, Sandy. Anyway, have you seen Silver? She wasn’t in my room?Sandbar: uuummYona: Yona didn’t find Bird Horse in the food area for breakfast.Ocellus: She might have head to Sugar Cube Corner, I heard they sell hotcakes there. Oh! Morning Sandbar.Sandbar: UmmmSmolder: Now why would she want to go there? She doesn’t even know what Hot cakes are even?Ocellus: Do you know what they are?Smolder: N-n-no.Sandbar: Guys?Yona: Yona is confused, why would Bird Horse not wait for us to go and eat somewhere else?Sandbar: Guys.Smolder: Hey wait a minute! Where’s Gallus? Did he ditch us too?Sandbar: Guys!Smolder, Yona and Ocellus: What?!Sandbar: I know where they are. But you have to be very quiet. Follow me. (heads back to his room)Smolder, Yona and Ocellus: ?? (follows him anyway)
Sandbar: (slow opens the door and lets the others in)Smolder: (whisper) Oh. My. Gosh. What happen here last night?Ocellus: (blushes and whispers) OoohYona: What were they doing Sand Pony?Sandbar: I don’t remember, I was so dead asleep that I didn’t hear her come in.Smolder: Hehehe Ooh I so wish I had a camera to take this glorious moment.~ That Mr. big and tough Gallus is a big softy. Huehuehuehe.~
Part 2 of this:Smolder, Yona, Ocellus, Sandbar, Gallus and Silverstream (c) Hasbro and DHX
Original tags:
#mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #yona_the_yak #sandbar_the_pony #gallus_the_griffin #ocellus_the_changeling #smolder_the_dragon #silverstream_the_hippogriff_seapony
It’s a book, but I do hope they have eggs in the future.

your current filter.I still thought they were eggs at full view.
@Background Pony Number 17
The thumbnail looked like eggs!
That’s what I thought, too. Put a whole different interpretation on this scene.
I believe that’s just the way this artist draws changelings.
Well Best Gift Ever shows them under mistletoe together, so maybe there is something there~

your current filter.