I clear snow from the line between Ponyvillwe and Canterlot with AB.
My brother bumps freight cars to breaking point with Promontory(who the f**k that is).
My father helps Zecora lay down rails for a new line.
My mother sets up a space for a narrow-gauge engine in her backyard with Filthy Rich.
Bump freight cars to the breaking point with silver spoon. 1. When did i become diamond tiara? 2. Why are either of us on a train in a freight yard? 3. Dat silver spoon flank. 4. Sir Topham’ Hatt’s gonna be cross.
Crash into Barbershop with Ringo. Didn’t realize August 15th was such a common birthday. Anyway since he’s presumably supposed to be the conductor, it was as much his fault as it was mine, if not moreso, so it could be a lot worse.