Although, I’ve done all the endings. The Legion route is so much better for all involved if Caesar is alive. Lanius is an awful, unrepentant and irredeemable monster.
God, invading the Fort and razing that camp to the ground…
I know it’s flat-out stated that the Legion didn’t need Caesar to survive, but come on! How can you still have the will to fight when just one guy swims to your forward base camp, murders your glorious god-king and his best men, and proceeds to Fat Boy the shit out of your main base of operations and kill half your men?
Man, I really wish they went through the Fallout New Vegas route.
Don’t like Caesar? Just swim to his fort, kill all his men, and shoot him in his prick face.
“Alright, this giant dragon is going to eat the whole fucking world, including the souls of the dead, So, as a sign of peace, I’ll have both sides trade their major cities so that everybody is equal, and neither side is in true condition to break the treat-”
I would wager the same person who created the Mirrior Pool, or Sombre during his “not a mindless shadow monster” phase.
All Crystal Ponies are Earth Ponies, and Sombre’s a unicorn, which makes me think he’s a foreign invader. Dragons have an irrational instinct (and nature very rarely makes a creature irrational) to collect gems, despite the fact they can’t and don’t well go down and use them to buy things. Sombre made them as a bio weapon against the Crystal Empire, and they just marauded aimlessly when he was defeated.
@441 Yeah. When I completed the game, and made another save with cheating on, first thing I did was call a storm on Markarth and beat the hell out of everything still crawling.
But that is nothing more than a bandaid solution at best … they agree to temporary peace until you take out alduin and the whole time ulfric acts like a spoiled brat and the empire just instigates this … you’d think these men of war would have a level of professionalism about them
Oh god, Markarth.
I just left that city, swooped by Sovngarde and said “Alduin, you see that city there? Go hog wild, I don’t care, they deserve it”.
You ever play Fallout New Vegas, Impious. Literally every character in the game save one (and he’s a backup so you aren’t locked out of an ending) is kill able. It is really damn satisfying.
Everytime we learn something new about Dragons it’s bloody contradictory. I blame the fact such info comes from Spike-centric episodes, and those are usually of subpar quality.
No other dragon behaves like Spike did during his greed growth, the one in Dragonshy was downright laid back until the Mane Six started fucking with him. They are apparently solitary for 1000 year stretches of time until they meet on the migration, where I assume the breeding takes place. But if they apparently just ditch their young (green dragon being willing to eat baby Spike and Garble and co lacking supervision) how do any live to adulthood? Spike is evidence they don’t come out of the egg badass, like snakes.
It’s my personal Headcanon Dragons are an artificial race, like Daleks or Sauron’s Orcs. The inconsistencies in biology are different batches.