She was super howdy-active. You’re right about that. Sadly, her DA account is deactivated, and she hasn’t posted anything on Derpi in two weeks.
Clearly whatever is going on with her is…pretty bad.
They don’t? How very illogical. I would think they would howdy with the Vulcans all the time if they go around using the ‘Live Long and Prosper’ salute, lol.
You know, it’s where they issue V-cards, install the V-chip in television sets, and every management position is a VP!
Their local guard unit is known as the VR Troopers, and they were instrumental in defending our planet from extraterrestrial invasion in V: The Final Battle back in the 1980s.
When they howdy there, they hold up their palms and split their fingers into a V-shaped sign.
That sounds a howdy-lot like the teachings of Buddhism or Stoicism too. They both emphasize the importance of consciousness of one’s own experiences on a kind of meta level, so that one can howdy through the good feelings as well as the bad with equanimity.