First things first to clear the air,
Whose in a relationship and whose not.
Out of my friends:
Applejack and Rarity (though they think we don’t know but it’s painfully obvious)
Rainbow Dash has a crush on Fluttershy (this is just what ive observed but Pinkie pie seems to have a crush on Rainbow but i would need to collect more data on the situation)
Pinkie Pie is usually with someone new every 3 months
And Sunset and I are um single still.
As for our Pony Friends (this might get weird since we all have the same names):
Princess Twilight is engaged to Her guard Flash Sentry
Pinkie Pie is married to Cheese Sandwich
Rainbow dash is married to Soarin
Fluttershy is married to Discord (who we didn’t get to meet but in our world he teaches chaos theory at Canterlot university.. I may have taken a class over the summer..)
Applejack is married to a stallion named Caramel
Rarity is married to Spike (which i found weird at first since spike is my dog but, i have to realize that this spike was a dragon and rarity isnt an 18 year old fashionista but a unicorn fashionista!)
All of our pony friends including spike are well above legal age, at least to our human standards, and while i haven’t been able to read up on Equeastrias legal system just yet it is safe to assume everyone is aware of what is and is not an appropriate age to be in a relationship at. Something that most humans aren’t even aware of.
Now i’ve studied mythology enough to know that both dragons and unicorns have a lengthy lifespan, and from what sunset has told me the seasons change faster in Equestria and i believe time would pass quicker than what we are used to.
Also a nice fun fact about me!
My Mother is 11 years older than my father :^)