This is my alternate man six,
Twilight Sparkle - Sunset Shimmer
Pinkie Pie - Lemon Zest
Applejack - Sugarcoat
Rainbow Dash - Indigo Zap
Rarity - Sunny Flare
Fluttershy - Sour Sweet
How their friendship began…
Once upon a time in the human world…
Sunset Shimmer was in the school library and she found this book called “The Alternate Universe”. she was really curious if this alternate univrse actually existed, so she ran out of school and went through the portal to talk to Twilight. She fell out of the portal dizzy.
Twilight: Oh, hi, Sunset
Sunset: Hi Twilight
Sunset: I found this book called “The Alternate Universe” in the non-fiction book section so I was wondering if there is and Alternate Universe
Twilight: Can I see it?
the book fell out of Sunset’s bag and tried to give it to Twilight with her hoof
Sunset: Ugh, Why isn’t it working
Twilight: Um, Sunset, you have a horn…
Sunset: Oh yea, I forgot, again. squee
Sunset lifts up book with magic and gives it to Twilight
Twilight: Thanks, Sunset
Twilight looks at the book
Twilight: I’m not sure, actually, I’ve never heard of this universe before, lets read it
Sunset opened the book the check the number of pages the book has
It was nearly sunset in Poniville and and she finally read the last page and then finished the book
Sunset: Finally, the end of the book
a swirl comes at the back of the book
Sunset: What’s happening?
Twilight: I don’t know but it doesn’t look good
a huge tornado swirled in Twilight’s castle, Twilight flies out of the castle but Sunset was still in it
Twilight flew to the castle but it was too late, the book sucked Sunset into it, as soon as she sucked into it, the tornado stopped, Twilight flew back into the castle, crying, Sunset wakes up in the Alternate World, it looked exactly like Poniville, but the grass was pink and the sky was purple
Sunset: Where, am I?
five ponies saw her, their names were Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet, they didn’t know eachother, they were nice, unlike their lookalikes in the human world
Lemon Zest: Did she just come out of that giant HOLE!?
Lemon Zest screamed and ran away
Sugarcoat: Oh, hi, what’s your name?
Sunset: Sunset Shimmer, but you can call me Sunset
Sugarcoat: Hi, Sunset, I’m Sugarcoat
Indigo Zap: I’m Indigo Zap
Sunny Flare: I’m Sunny Flare
Lemon Zest runs back
Lemon Zest: And I’m LEMON ZEST!
Sour Sweet was covering her face with the front of her mane
Lemon Zest: Have you heard, it’s SUN DAY today! And today is the SUN FESTIVAL!
The sun festival is basically the Summer Sun Celebration but its called something different in the alternate world
Lemon Zest: Are you going to the Sun Festival, Sunset?
Sunset: Mabye…
Sunset Shimmer went to the sun festival but it was ruined by Princess Gold Lily’s evil sister, Princess Sterling!, those six ponies thought they had to do something about it…
The end…