Lord of the Empty Seat
That’s way too big of an assumption. Considering the fact that the presence of the fandom and its impact is what led to sites like this existing.
It’s unfair to lop every single fan into one category and simply say that they’re “leaving the fandom in droves” (not to mention pretentiously pompous since that’s the exact same BS some of the “MLP sucks” crowd using excuse to give themselves emotional validation), especially since the ones that hate the series just because of a few changes to the status quo are a minority amongst the more vast amount of people who can enjoy the show despite a few flaws here and there.
Case in point, the links I shared below, basically a majority of the people who despise MLP just because of a few changes are nestled into that little group. At the time of this comment, they barely have 200 members under their Banner, another example can be drawn to the EQG group on the same site has 2712 members.
Why is this relevant you ask? Because both of these groups came out in the exact same year only a few months apart, and this was directly after the events of Twilight becoming an alicorn. So Not only was the hate train already running full force, but this was the point where a large amount of people hated the concept of EQG before it was even given a chance…. and yet not only did it spawn its own spin off, but the amount of fans who liked it pretty much completely eclipse those who hate it.
So it’s completely unfair to say that The Phantom is in Decline when we can still help something that had a lot going against it grow into what it is now. Especially since not only will be be getting another movie after season 9, but also a 5th generation less than a year after the 4th one ends.
Basically speaking, this section of the fandom is a very miniscule yet verbose one, and it’s going through the “hate-fad”, which is basically the whole “Starlight is the cancer of the series and needs to die” fad which has gotten old to the point where them continuously harping on about it has just gotten less amusing and more pathetic.
I mean, they’ve already gone from hating Spike to the CMC, to Twicorn, to EQG (and Sunset & Flash by proxy), to Twilight’s castle.
And each one of those “hate-fads” has pretty much died off and are barely acknowledged or taken remotely seriously, and the Starlight hate-fad will eventually keel over as well.
That’s way too big of an assumption. Considering the fact that the presence of the fandom and its impact is what led to sites like this existing.
It’s unfair to lop every single fan into one category and simply say that they’re “leaving the fandom in droves” (not to mention pretentiously pompous since that’s the exact same BS some of the “MLP sucks” crowd using excuse to give themselves emotional validation), especially since the ones that hate the series just because of a few changes to the status quo are a minority amongst the more vast amount of people who can enjoy the show despite a few flaws here and there.
Case in point, the links I shared below, basically a majority of the people who despise MLP just because of a few changes are nestled into that little group. At the time of this comment, they barely have 200 members under their Banner, another example can be drawn to the EQG group on the same site has 2712 members.
Why is this relevant you ask? Because both of these groups came out in the exact same year only a few months apart, and this was directly after the events of Twilight becoming an alicorn. So Not only was the hate train already running full force, but this was the point where a large amount of people hated the concept of EQG before it was even given a chance…. and yet not only did it spawn its own spin off, but the amount of fans who liked it pretty much completely eclipse those who hate it.
So it’s completely unfair to say that The Phantom is in Decline when we can still help something that had a lot going against it grow into what it is now. Especially since not only will be be getting another movie after season 9, but also a 5th generation less than a year after the 4th one ends.
Basically speaking, this section of the fandom is a very miniscule yet verbose one, and it’s going through the “hate-fad”, which is basically the whole “Starlight is the cancer of the series and needs to die” fad which has gotten old to the point where them continuously harping on about it has just gotten less amusing and more pathetic.
I mean, they’ve already gone from hating Spike to the CMC, to Twicorn, to EQG (and Sunset & Flash by proxy), to Twilight’s castle.
And each one of those “hate-fads” has pretty much died off and are barely acknowledged or taken remotely seriously, and the Starlight hate-fad will eventually keel over as well.