Pudding Pone
"[@Background Pony #E8FE":](/1801510#comment_7380209
<None of that proves she has a quick temper.
[bq="Spike_Lover"]) "
> [@Background Pony #E8FE":](/1801510#comment_7377505
> Um
> >>1788379p[/bq]
Like seriously
Also temper look it up
a tendency to lose one's temper quickly.
By you're logic starlight doesn't have a temper because most of he'r angry is justifed sorry but that's bullshit temper doesn't just mean you get angry for unjustified reasons
parents lose there temper with us all the time and most of the time it's justifed
<None of that proves she has a quick temper.
> [@Background Pony #E8FE
> Um
> >>1788379p
Like seriously
Also temper look it up
a tendency to lose one's temper quickly.
By you're logic starlight doesn't have a temper because most of he
parents lose there temper with us all the time and most of the time it's justifed