Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Artistic Fox on image #1787812

Artistic Fox

"[@Background Pony #4F86":](/1787812#comment_7477423
As far as I'm aware, the top right is a single button called sfw, just filters out the NSFW, if it's green, means you got the filter on and you just need to click it, if not green, then idk what's wrong
Or else,
No reason given
Edited by Artistic Fox
Artistic Fox

"@Background Pony #4F86":/1787812#comment_7477423
As far as I'm aware, the top right is a single button called sfw, just filters out the NSFW, if it's green, means you got the filter on and you just need to click it, if not green, then idk what's wrong
No reason given
Edited by Artistic Fox