Ducks and trolls are by definition the toxic side of the Internet, hence my argument on the worst of the internet is the basic reason you have those badges. Nearly everything is subjective if you stretch your argument enough.
@Ihhh her many good and bad qualities, has Twilight often acred like a tool especially around Celestia or anything related to responsibilities?”Yes.
“Is Starlight a creator’s pet in various ways?”Yes.
“Do people have and sometimes bend varied limits on whether someone can be considered a tool or a creator’s pet?”Yes.
Instead, Twilight took it entirely upon herself to ignore the growth she herself is aware of in favor of kicking them out. There was no discussion or conversation, she just accused them of pulling a mean prank and basically said “stay away from my students.” This is plainly unprofessional for a professional adult to say to teenagers, misbehaving or not, without guardians present. To say nothing of the suggestion that Twilight’s literally forbidding them from interacting with anyone who goes to her school, which is completely unfair and an unreasonable expectation because that’s interfering entirely with the formation of potential friendships.Again, Twilight’s job here is as the headmaster of the school. It’s her job, self-appointed or not, and she should act accordingly. She brands her school as one to teach friendship, and her punishment to three fillies she’s known for years is to actively forbid them from even trying to bond with anyone going to her school? Just because they wanted to attend the school themselves? They were being disruptive about it, sure, but this punishment is not only one Twilight is incapable of enforcing, it’s above and beyond what they deserved.