
@Ari Ardwolf  
Did you never watched Phineas and Ferb? Just because Spike is growing up doesn’t mean he will lost his interest in Rarity. I don’t know if you watched the episode or not but Smolder only appeared in the first half of the episode and show no signs of her having a romantic interest in Spike whatsoever, she didn’t even appeared for the rest of the episode. The synopsis of this episode is very misleading.
Ghost Reviews
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

AGAIN, think about it logically. Spike is growing up, and the show has already touched on the effects of growing up. They’ve introduced a dragon character around his age. Also, most shows get more creative once their end is neigh.

@Ari Ardwolf  
Once again, take your shipping goggles off.
Ghost Reviews
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Think about it, they introduce a female dragon that close to Spike’s age right around the same time he starts to grow up. I don’t ship without cause. All my “ships” are always ground in reality and based off of evidence I’ve seen.

@Ari Ardwolf  
People have been saying that about Spike and Ember and nothing happened between them since. You need to take off your shipping goggles off, I don’t mind shipping Spike and Smolder but don’t pretend they have a thing for each other, which they obviously do not.
Ghost Reviews
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Yet. remember, we still have 13 episodes left and a whole other season. that’s plenty of time for things to change.

@Ari Ardwolf  
Very unlikely, do we see Spike and Smolder have romantic feelings for each other? No.
Ghost Reviews
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

I think it’s going to end and spikeXsmolder will happen. It’s the best way to talk about growing up and changes in interest.

I’m not butt hurt, I use to ship sparity but it started to get annoying how one-sided that crush is. It’s was cute once but now… I just hope that sparity happens or just ends before the show reaches it’s end.

Wow you guys are so butthurt that the writers are still shipping Sparity. GET OVER IT.
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My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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@Background Pony #8DF0  
I´m not stubborn, I´m just stating FACTS.
Background Pony #FD01
Dont be stubborn,they wont continue 2 gens at the same time
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
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@Background Pony #8DF0  
Nothing is confirmed.

@Background Pony #8DF0  
||Then the series will end in the ninth season and it’s not a movie ||
Background Pony #1ADB
Great, now let the fun, BEGIN
Background Pony #FD01
Yes it is,someone posted their plan and they plan to do a G5 prequel movie next year

Watch out, Haber, you’ve made it to no.1 on the bronies’ hit list.
Nah, that won’t care. This isn’t as big as Twi becoming an Alicorn.

That ship needs to go the way of the dinosaurs.

@Background Pony #FF6D  
Spike deserved this more than that overprivilaged kid.

Thank you, Josh Harber. May Earth dragon fans Rest In Peace, in the shadow realm!
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Thank You M.A. Larson. LOL. :D
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Young Leosword
@Background Pony #FF6D  
There’s no way of knowing if Scot’s physical handicap is genetically set or will resolve itself once she reaches a certain state of maturity, unless they introduce a time skip in a future storyline.
Background Pony #6018
So it’s confirmed, this guy got his wings and the chicken scootaloo still can’t fly  
Evil hasbro
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Young Leosword
I like Spike with wings and the newly introduced method of how dragons get wings when they come of age.