AMATEUR FLESH: LAU 2K25Lau identifies as a princess. Not just any princess, but a little French princess, with all that entails—elegance, delicacy, and an air of sophistication straight out of a fairy tale. And hey, if she says so, who are we to argue? Nowadays, everyone is free to identify as whatever they want. That’s just the world we live in, where identity is no longer set in stone, and labels are as flexible as the will of those who wear them.
But this absolute freedom raises an interesting question: are we more permissive than ever, or are we losing our minds? Because not too long ago, claiming to be something that didn’t fit traditional molds would earn you strange looks—if not outright mockery or criticism. Today, however, it seems like we live in a time where anything goes, where anyone can shape their identity however they please and expect everyone else to accept it without question.
For some, this is a sign of progress—a society that’s more open and less constrained by outdated norms. For others, it’s proof that we’ve lost the plot, that we’ve taken freedom too far and crossed the line between tolerance and pure fantasy.
And I wonder: are we evolving into a more inclusive society, or have we spiraled into a world of relativism where anything can be valid just because someone says so?
One way or another, Lau is a princess. A little French princess. And if one day she decides to transition into an empress or a Greek goddess, I won’t be the one to argue.
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