there was an episode of The Simpsons where after certain events, the U.N. representative for Russia revealed that The Soviet Union was still in place, pressing a button that switched the sign to U.S.S.R. and setting the return of The Berlin Wall among other things.
2)There was an episode about the in-show cartoon called Itchy and Scratchy, where a new character named Poochie was introduced. He was out of place, completely disliked, and killed off by the end of the show’s episode.
The description says worst pony in the background but I don’t see Rarity anywhere.
Then again, Rarity is so backgroundy that it’s no wonder if she totally blends in the background.
Pretty sure most don’t really care and just love a nice animation whether they agree with the whole “Poochie” thing or not.
I’d rather just leave it like that than argue in the comments. Cause it’ll just turn into a cringefest like the comments section of his “Welcome To /mlp/” animation several months ago.
“I Starlight Glimmer will be pleased to offer her advice on your Friendship problems by inserting Equalism Memes and propaganda in the proposed solutions.”
“Equalism?! But Starlight I thought you were Reformed?”
“That’s what I wanted you to think!”(Presses Button to inflict Glimglam memes across the land)
@MLP-Silver-Quill It’s a double Simpsons meme.First one is the nametag flip is based off of Russia becoming USSR again and laughing menacingly in one of the episodes, and the second is the infamous “Poochie” character they introduced in the Simpsons “Itchy and Scratchy cartoon” as a metaphor. Some call Glimmer “Poochie 2.0”