It doesn't take a psychic to conclude that letting an elderly individual do crazy things could result in injury or worse. While Applejack's guidelines are a bit overprotective, it's certainly not unreasonable. I mean, if I were in charge of looking after a group of elderly folks, I'd probably play things safe and follow some of those same guidelines. There's a reason we usually avoid letting elderly people wander on their own, you know.
AJ not telling RD she doesn't actually knows what happens with the golden gals in Las Pegasus is a natural reaction. Why would you instruct someone to follow a specific set of rules then inform them right after that you have no means of enforcing them? That's entirely self-defeating.
Now, Applejack openly lying to Dash certainly isn't outside the realm of possibility, but that conclusion requires making more assumptions than concluding that she is merely uninformed. If we go by Occam's Razor (and just not overthink things in general), the latter would beclosera tmo thre rplausightble answer.
It doesn't take a psychic to conclude that letting an elderly individual do crazy things could result in injury or worse. While Applejack's guidelines are a bit overprotective, it's certainly not unreasonable. I mean, if I were in charge of looking after a group of elderly folks, I'd probably play things safe and follow some of those same guidelines. There's a reason we usually avoid letting elderly people wander on their own, you know.
AJ not telling RD she doesn't actually knows what happens with the golden gals in Las Pegasus is a natural reaction. Why would you instruct someone to follow a specific set of rules then inform them right after that you have no means of enforcing them? That's entirely self-defeating.
Now, Applejack openly lying to Dash certainly isn't outside the realm of possibility, but that conclusion requires making more assumptions than concluding that she is merely uninformed. If we go by Occam's Razor (and just not overthink things in general), the latter would be