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  1. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    I'll make it easy for you

    Europe 10.18 million km²
    U S 9.83 million km²

    the lower 48 ,. 8.08 million km²
    so the US is only 0.35 of a million km² less area than the Europe ,
    with less than half the population.

    I already posted a similar graphic previously elsewhere , so had already done the research.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  2. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    I seen President Trump doing a real fucked up thing to the governor of Georgia, I truly disapprove of this what a fucked up thing to do I mean fucked . The governor deserves a apology I know the president was just covering his own ass but that was a really fucked up motherfucking thing to do . That was something the despicable’s do not Stoopto the despicable’s level President Trump
  3. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. Truthful 1
      @David58 what you disagree with ? this sounds interesting.
      Truthful 1, Apr 23, 2020
  4. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    You for got to add ,, Europe is OK , but the Do United States is one cool fucking place .( It Rules )
  5. Trev1

    Trev1 Porn Star

    Dec 26, 2007
    I preferred.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. Truthful 1
      Are you looking for attention trev , Is De Niro your hero . Let me tell you about Robert Dinero he wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire .
      Truthful 1, Apr 24, 2020
  6. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    ICU nurse who silently protested, faced insults at Phoenix reopening rally speaks out

    PHOENIX – It was her scheduled day off from the intensive care unit at a hospital where she takes care of patients who contracted COVID-19.

    She found out that morning that a rally was planned at the Arizona Capitol. People weary of schools and businesses across the state being closed because of the new coronavirus were going to call for the state to be reopened.

    Lauren Leander texted a few nurses she knew, asking whether anyone wanted to join her there.

    Leander had seen photos of medical workers at similar rallies in other states, their presence serving as a counterweight to calls to reopen businesses. She was inspired to do the same at the rally in her home state Monday.

    "That was the kind of action we could take against something like this," Leander said.

    She spent the next few hours standing silent, her facial expressions partly hidden behind her medical mask, her body rigid in surgical scrubs.

    'We're winging this': Coronavirus protests tout independence as national groups eye election

    Leander said she heard a stream of insults from rallygoers. People accused her of being an actor or, if a real nurse, one who performed dentistry or abortions.

    Leander did not engage with the people walking by. They were not keeping apart from each other. Most did not wear masks.

    She was surprised at the anger directed at her. She isn’t a politician. Her job is to take care of people.

    “Whether you believe in the virus or not, we’re the people who are going to take care of you one way or the other,” she said Tuesday in a phone interview with The Arizona Republic, part of the USA TODAY Network. “It was disheartening to have those kinds of comments thrown in my face.”

    'Reopen' demonstrations: This Iowa family is behind the protests popping up across the country

    Treating her first COVID-19 patient opened her eyes
    Leander, 27, graduated from Arizona State University’s nursing school in 2014. She started at the intensive care unit at Banner University Medical Center about a year later.

    In early February, the hospital created an overflow unit specifically for the anticipated surge of patients with COVID-19, she said.

    Leander volunteered to work the unit.

    She knew she was in a unique situation. She was young and healthy, she said, and didn’t have to worry about bringing the virus home to any children.

    She said working on that first patient, a young woman in severe respiratory distress, was eye-opening. It made her realize someone her age could suffer greatly from the disease.

    “I hadn’t been scared as a nurse before that day,” she said.

    She has since worked 12-hour shifts three or four days a week. The unit, she said, has been running below capacity, but doctors describe it as teetering on a tipping point.

    “If there was an explosion of this virus, we would not be OK,” she said. “We would not have what we need anymore.”

    It was for that reason that Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey imposed an order in March advising residents to stay home. He shut down businesses that were deemed nonessential. Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego had earlier imposed an order shutting down the city’s bars and ordering restaurants to convert to takeout only.

    Those orders caused economic pain, and after a month, some citizens and lawmakers decided enough was enough.

    Speeches and conversations at Monday's rally, some of which were captured on videos from the events, showed myriad reasons for frustration and anger.

    A common theme seemed to be that fears over the coronavirus were overblown, largely by the media and Democratic politicians.

    At least 4 medical workers protest at rally
    Leander got one other nurse to join her at the rally. Two other co-workers, whom she didn’t know that well, joined them as the day progressed.

    Leander brought spare N95 masks, which protect the wearer from at least 95% of small airborne particles. Friends and family bought extra ones in the previous weeks and gave them to her.

    Leander's original intention was to block traffic. She had seen that at other cities’ rallies. Police stopped her from doing that.

    She said standing silently in scrubs and a mask “was absolutely just an invitation for people to throw whatever accusation or comments they had at us.”

    “For the first probably hour, I definitely had a burning desire to say something,” she said. “I wanted to say so many things to every insult I heard. But that was not why I was there. That was not the statement I was trying to make. I feel fortunate I was able to say so much without saying anything at all.”

    Television cameras captured some of the scenes of confrontation. An Arizona Republic photographer captured an image of a man waving a flag at her.

    Leander and the other nurses moved with the crowd. They stood in front of the old Capitol building, now a museum, when the rally moved there.

    As people went to their cars, they stood again at the crosswalk so they could be seen.

    Not all who die are counted: What we know about the people who may be missing from coronavirus stats

    Back to work after her protest goes viral
    When she saw the same four cars circling the Capitol, she figured she could call it a day.

    “I took a long nap afterwards,” she said.

    She woke up to find that images from that afternoon had gone viral. They were on news websites and part of television news broadcasts.

    She started getting messages Monday night from friends and relatives and health care workers. By Tuesday morning, her phone “exploded,” she said, with messages from doctors and nurses across the country and Canada.

    As the sun set Tuesday, she said she was just starting to sift through the messages.

    She couldn’t make it too late of a night.

    She was scheduled to start her next shift at the overflow COVID-19 unit of Banner University Medical Center at 7 a.m. Wednesday.

    These redneck yahoo mother fucking tRumpies that are [laying the role of lemming for the puppet masters do not even understand that they are protesting to allow the wealthy to become wealthier while they die.
  7. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
    This Iowa family is behind the 'Reopen' protests popping up across the country

    DES MOINES – A pro-gun Iowa family is helping to spur protests in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and New York over state-imposed restrictions designed to slow the coronavirus pandemic.
    Using their state-specific Facebook group pages with a total of over 200,000 followers, Iowa’s Dorr family has helped organize the protests against coronavirus restrictions and business closures in those states.

    Their protests have usually drawn hundreds of demonstrators, but the movement has drawn worldwide news coverage and support from key Republican groups.

    Now, the group may be expanding protests to other states over state-imposed restrictions designed to slow the spread of COVID-19, the potentially fatal disease caused by the new coronavirus. Public health officials have urged people to stay at home to prevent further spread of the virus — a measure that has also had dire economic impacts on Americans.

    Aaron Dorr, executive director of Iowa Gun Owners, and several of his brothers created Facebook groups to organize the protests in those states and elsewhere. The Dorr brothers — Chris, Ben, Aaron and Matthew — have made themselves known among conservatives for their profitable anti-establishment Facebook groups that are pro-gun and anti-abortion.

    Their anti-quarantine pages were developed with the same private registrar, according to an NBC analysis, and the brothers are reportedly listed as administrators on those state-specific anti-quarantine pages.

    The Dorrs' Facebook groups have functioned as a digital hub that has elevated misinformation, such as alleging that health officials are intentionally inflating COVID-19 death tallies and comparing the new virus to the flu, ABC and the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported.

    However, their pages have gained an immediate following.

    One of their pages, The Wisconsinites Against Excessive Quarantine, was created a week ago and now has 105,000 followers. That Facebook group description reads: “It's time to OPEN OUR STATE and STOP Gov Evers' Excessive Quarantine! Politicians are on a power trip, controlling our lives, destroying our businesses, passing laws behind the cover of darkness and forcing us to hand over our freedoms and our livelihood!”

    Ben Dorr and members of his Facebook page plan to hold a protest at the Wisconsin State Capitol on Friday in Madison, he told WTMJ-TV in Milwaukee.

    ICU nurse who silently protested, faced insults at Phoenix reopening rally speaks outHow to give yourself a haircut during the coronavirus shutdown9 retailers selling fabric face masks that are worth buyingGet the latest news straight to your phone: Download the USA TODAY app[​IMG]
    There have been more than 820,000 coronavirus cases in the United States, with about 45,000 deaths, as of Wednesday morning.

    Aaron Dorr told the USA TODAY Network there have not been any protests in Iowa so far, but "we'll see what comes of this."

    "A growing number of state lawmakers are reaching out, telling us how antsy the Republican caucuses are to end this excessive quarantine," he said.

    Coronavirus protests tout independence as national groups eye election

    Some Iowa Republicans have been critical of Dorr for years, arguing that his aggressive tactics alienate even those whose views align with his. Current House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, R-Missouri Valley, called Dorr "a charlatan" in 2015 during a fight over a gun rights bill, saying Dorr "does things in a fashion to create calamity and to help him to raise money."

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    His brothers, Ben and Chris, run the groups Minnesota Gun Rights and Ohio Gun Owners.

    "It’s always a pleasure to be accused of fundraising from politicians who have their hand out seeking donations 24/7," Aaron Dorr wrote in the text to the USA TODAY Network on Tuesday. "We love fighting for our members, and they love supporting organizations that fight for them. We don’t apologize for anything!"
  8. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015
  9. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    It’s really Amazing how Taiwan , Who is not part of the world health organization. Had almost no problems. Very strange. I also don’t see many things that say , made in Taiwan on them anymore. .............how about that . Could it be The Chinese don’t travel to Taiwan .. or Did Taiwon act much faster because they didn’t rely on information from( the world health organization ) Let’s see ,let’s think, ........The world health Organization, works for China , and All the top people in the world health organization were appointed by China . Wow how about that, you liberals call me really stupid , But somehow I’m able to figure this out and you’re not . Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Sanity_is_Relative
      This virus has killed 10's pf thousands of people in the US alone and you think that it is not dangerous? That means that you will volunteer to contract it and inject the disinfectant like tRump claims would kill CoVid-19 in a day, good luck snowflake.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Apr 25, 2020
    3. Truthful 1
      Knock 200 people off of that. , Pennsylvania reported 200 to many people , That they had no proof died of carnivores. All your list are bogus
      Truthful 1, Apr 25, 2020
    4. Sanity_is_Relative
      200 out of almost 50,000, that would not make a difference if your propaganda was real.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Apr 25, 2020
    5. Truthful 1
      I’m sure you could cut the count , in half if it was a honest count .
      Truthful 1, Apr 25, 2020
    6. Sanity_is_Relative
      And you are a proven fool of insufferable stupidity, so idiot dismissed.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Apr 25, 2020
  10. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    I’m not gonna saybwhere I seen this today but . There’s a bunch of guys with a 4 x 8 sign and a table and chairs in front of their house . The sign says you honk we drink, look like a we’re having a good time lol
    lol lol lol. Which governor Murphy hears this . lol lol.
  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    SIR resorts to emotion to sell a point.
    Yes, in fact about 50,000 have died.
    The flu kills almost that many every year.

    Wheres your spew about that?

    As for the rest of your rant, dismissed.
    1. submissively speaking
      Oh wait, *almost* that many? I hadn’t looked at the numbers, because, you know, death toll. Like I want to watch that.

      But does that mean covid has killed more people in the first four months of the year than the flu does on average for the entire year? Is that what that means?
      thinskin and clive pickering like this.
    2. Trev1
      Just over 2 months and the toll is now 54,049. MAGA, and the Angels wept.
      Trev1, Apr 25, 2020
      thinskin likes this.
  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    It means the flu season, which is roughly November to April, kills almost 50,000 Americans a year. Every year.

    Covid-19 MIGHT BE more infectious, it MAY kill some more, it COULD BE more expensive to treat.

    We don't actually know.

    What we do know is that we have trashed the economy, maybe worse than we expect, scared the hell out of people, and added more than 10% to the debt.

    The question is whether the cure is worse than the disease, and why did we do this for covis and not the flu?

    Hell, we don't even know for sure that the incubation period is right.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Stay tuned . More to come
  14. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    7543ECD9-60B5-4949-AAB3-FB1B592B3561.png 552C49C0-93CC-43D0-BE75-59958FF7BC5D.png
    New Jersey where the scum of the scum , politicians live . This is a long Article , it goes , into great detail . As A resident of New Jersey I’d like to say . Do not let anymore Of your hard earned money , get sent to the state of New Jersey .
  15. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Now the , Murphy and governor of New Jersey ,Proposing 4 to 6 more weeks quarantine . To complete put Every business out of business . This will force . The government to have to bail out The state of New Jersey
  16. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    I’m exhausted trying to put things in perspective to the math challenged and the people who want to lockdowns to continue through Election Day for their own agendas.

    See my latest contributions to the makings of a pandemic thread.

    That shows what this irrational fear is costing us!
  17. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    So now the New York , New Jersey and Pennsylvania governor’s have teamed up against the will of the people. They are saying they won’t go anything without the other say Governor Phil Murphy of New Jersey . Pushing for beach closers til summer. I can’t wait to see this play out . So now it these three against the country .
  18. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    Galveston closed their beaches. WTF? It's our beaches they're telling us what to do with?
    And now, they're open from 6 am to 9 am for those that want to exercise? WTF?
    And Harris County <Houston> is telling us that if we don't don masks in public, we'll
    be fined a thousand dollars? Fucketh you.
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. cirdellin
      Yeah I have a friend in Harris County who told me about the mask order and that there is no place to get masks!? Hardly thought through by local government. Either that or a revenue generator.
      cirdellin, Apr 28, 2020
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    With freedom should come responsibility. That seems to be something Republicans can agree on. Those who demand the freedom to violate quarantines and other restrictions pertaining to COVID-19 should take the responsibility of being denied medical treatment paid for by the government if they get COVID-19. Their private insurance companies should be allowed to deny them coverage too. Private insurance companies love to find excuses to deny coverage. All we need to do is to pass a law allowing them to deny coverage to those who demand the freedom to place themselves and others at danger of getting COVID-19.
    1. shootersa
      We've covered this, mutt. If you want to revisit it at least have new arguments to present.
      shootersa, Apr 28, 2020
      Truthful 1 likes this.
    2. Truthful 1
      You are a fucked up person dog make sense once I awhile . You contradict yourself constantly
      Truthful 1, Apr 28, 2020
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I will say this: before they fine me one thousand dollars for not wearing a face mask in public they better make it possible for me to buy a face mask. Drug stores in my area do not sell them. I ordered 50 face masks from Amazon three weeks ago, but they have not come yet. I was supposed to get them by April 23. Now they say it will be by April 29. Amazon politely informed me that if the face masks do not come by April 28, I can always order again.

    What is going on? I would expect drug stores to have face masks stacked to the ceiling.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. cirdellin
      According to what I heard, the face mask order came last Wednesday which did not give people time to even order them on the internet. Maybe if they paid a ton for expedited shipping but still...

      I remember during the SARS thing that people were asking if face masks are effective and at that time the experts said no so I don’t understand why they are supposed to be effective n0w.

      Maybe the thinking is that Darth Vader never got sick!
      cirdellin, Apr 28, 2020