@President of the Ohio
This reminds me of a story told about W.C. Fields. He suposedly once went up to a lovely woman at a Hollywood party and aasked her, “Would you have sex with me for a $1000?”
She said, “Sure.”
Field then said, “How about for a buck?”
She said, “No! What kind of a woman do you think I am?”
Fields said, “I know what kind of a woman you are. The first question answered that. I’m just trying to find the price.”
I have little doubt that the writers have long since given up on the redeeming part of Rarity’s interest in fashion as a trade. Especially in EqG it seems to be only present for comedic relief.
True, but she was also performing for the audience from a distance, so a bolder make-up was needed as she was also performing under the bright light of the sun. However, what looks good from a distance and under bright lights and what looks good up close in a darkened party room require different cosmetic applications. I pointed this out because EQG Rarity can style hair, even though her main focus is on the creation and display of fashion and knowing how to make somebody look good. It just strikes me as odd that somebody who is so passionate about fashion, would not have picked up knowledge about cosmetics, make-up, and knowledge regarding their application upon someone.
I think that having Rarity be ignorant and amateurish regarding cosmetics and make-up application, was a poor choice in this aspect. I’m fine with Rarity having flaws, faults, fallacies, and foibles; but I would have given her a different flaw, like bad stress management, or prejudices against certain people wearing unfashionable clothing, or being a gossiper.
Yeah, Rarity wasn’t doing her any favors putting that much make-up on her. Also, that seems like a very amateurish mistake for someone who loves fashion as much as she does.