I like bendy. Even though I’ve never watched FHfIF, I know what he’s like. I think he just needs an attitude adjustment and then he’ll fit in. Maybe Babs could teach him.
Bendy was a no good asshole and lied and faked crying like a little bitch to get his owner in trouble just for the fun of it. He’s no where NEAR like Babs.
Babs is just a young filly who was bullied in manehattan and bullied the CMC to make her look cool and tough to fit in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Thank fully, she learned her lesson, just as the CMC did.
But as for Bendy, FUCK HIM. I’m glad Bloo put up a trap to expose the bastard for what he really is.
Why do you hate me so much, Derpibooru? I never did anything bad, I swear! I just want to be friends with you and share cute pony pictures!