What he^ said. And she has shown signs of becoming more assertive. She stood up to those bullies who were making fun of Dash in Sonic Rainboom. She stood up to Rainbow Dash in Dragon Quest. But she has many issues that need solving, such as stage-fright, speaking too quietly, her many phobias and just general social awkwardness. That’s why I love her though, because I have plenty of issues too.
Is her personality. Not a sickness she should heal. Surely there is many people that hate RD’ s assertiveness and self confidence. Is just a matter of taste.
For those wondering where all the Flutterhate comes from, it comes from putting up with 3 seasons of her bull, always going out of her way to learn lessons about confidence and then the show retconning it in the next episode for the sake of maintaining her cuteness. At least the other characters show progress throughout, but Fluttershy stays the same. Her lack of development is one of the show’s few flaws.