@Background Pony #6560
its fine. but its not like everyone said it twice.
people just pointed out, i dont think they read through all other comments to check that it wasnt said before.
dont take it personally, it wasnt intended as a mob attack or anything
@Almost Literally Everyone Fine! I’m sorry for misreading the “suggestive” tag as “safe”, and trying to suggest to someone that they simply add a spoiler to their comment (rather than trying to get said comment taken down all together) as a result of that little misunderstanding.
Yes, I should’ve double-checked to make sure I was reading the rating right. But I think that one or two comments addressing my mistake would have been sufficient, as opposed to the eight I got.
@Background Pony #6560
If you feel something violates terms, then report it. Don’t just say, do. Let a mod decide if something is or is not a violation.
I don’t thinkbitbis personally, but I merely advise what would be the correct course of conduct.
@Background Pony #6560
dude this is a suggestive image, not a safe one.
so hinting towards wanting to bang the green former-man filly is not a violation