Background Pony #2D77
I’ll figure something out
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #D70F  
It says I need permission in order tonaccess the file…
Background Pony #2D77
If you like you can add some details to the story and add more chapters to it
Background Pony #FF45 here is a link to the fanfic. I finally finished it. All you have to do is read it, edit it, and post it on FiMFiction and What do you think of the story? Do you have any feedback? What are your favorite parts?
Background Pony #2D77
Sounds good! I’m actually already more than half way done with the fanfic
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
“I’m in Love with My Best Friend” sounds the most fitting.
Background Pony #2D77
I was thinking of somethings like  
“It All Started With A Song”
“I’m In Love With My Best Friend”
“Scootaloo’s Genderbender”
“The Masked Crusater”
“The Mash Between Best friends”
Which title do you like best? Do you have any other ideas?
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.
I was thinking “Scootaloo’s Quest for Love” or “Scootaloo’s Dilemma”
Background Pony #2D77
What should I call it
Background Pony #2D77
I need your advice for a title
Background Pony #2D77
This will probably be around 10 to 20 chapters. I sure hope it will be as popular as “My Little Dashie”
Background Pony #2D77
Okay. I’m on chapter 5 right now
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
As long as you can explain how their magic works, that should be fine!
Background Pony #2D77
Wait. How about the story should take place in the Equestria girls universe
Background Pony #2D77
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
No problem, mate. Best of luck to you ;)
Background Pony #2D77
I’ll try and get it done as soon as possible. This will probably take a few weeks or months.
Background Pony #2D77
Oh okay. Sounds good. I’ll try and use your suggestions and maybe think of more ideas. Thanks for the advice.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
Maybe Diamond and Silver are gossiping about how Button wants to ask Sweetie. Scootaloo overhears and realizes she needs to ask her out first.
I dunno. I’m making this up as I go along, mate.
Background Pony #2D77
What do you mean by that? Who are the people gossiping?
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
They can be asking each other to the dance and, through idle gossip, where Scootaloo overhears that Button wants to ask Sweetie to the dance.
Background Pony #2D77
Thanks! Oh and one more thing. How should I use diamond tiara, silver spoon, or other child characters be used in the story? What child characters should be used?
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
Absolutely! Best of luck, mate!
Background Pony #2D77
Okay! Now we got a fanfic! Isn’t this great?
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

The One and Only
@Background Pony #7FB7  
Okay, no problem!