@mana the immortal
Well, if you didn’t know every person in the world was also yourself having lived in this time more than once, you could still end up fighting yourself…
I had a friend that believed that reincarnations didn’t happen in temporal order, so it was possible for your next reincarnation to exist before you or simultaneously to you.
I’m not saying it makes sense, but it is a possible thing to believe, apparently.
@Background Pony #09DE
Given what they said in the comics, I theorize that Star Swirl was studying the Elements of Harmony, though he calls them by different names; hope, beauty, bravery, strength, healing, and sorcery. Given Celestia said he never learned the true value of friendship, I suspect he was trying to learn how to use the Elements, but never quite sorted it out, and that he was reasoning that they embodied power, rather than more subtle traits. Just my theory though.