>Ass ketchup got reseted again and serena disappeared from the plot
Used something other than “plot never goes anywhere” ashnime to trigger shippers.
I guess you mean Cadance/Shining and Matilda/Cranky who started their existance by being shipped. Its not really the same as old canon character suddenly get “shipping” in their screencap pictures.
@Background Pony #A834
What I’m actually looking forward to are the SWJ fangirls/bronies who are rabidly into fluttermac/cheerimac/marblemac doing hate art and deluding themselves that this is not really canon.
If they were really SJWs, they’d be more upset that Big Mac and Sugar Belle are non-trap heteros instead of pansexual homo-romantic trans-racial lynx-kin, and I don’t see much outrage over that happening :/
I can imagine all the hate tweets/s*itposts Big Jim and whoever wrote the ep will get from the rabid flutter/cherri/marble X mac shippers. Hope they can endure.
@Background Pony #8B74
This is literally the first time i see “shipping” on official screencap. Is it even shipping anymore if it became canon? Its just so wierd for MLP to do it after Friendship being such a focus. Wonder how Jim MIller is going to comment on this. “Just friend”?