Well, I’ve been up for 15 hours, so I’m not feeling very depth-y in descriptions. But, take a deer for example. It eats grass, doesn’t really damage anything, yet poops which fertilizes the soil. Not a parasite at all.
@Feydrid Kearn
I’d love to know how you can use your five senses to judge the President. Are you personally watching him do his job? Are you a member of the press corps? A spy? A stalker? Otherwise you’re depending on someone’s reportage.
Humans are actually a form of parasite. We offer the earth nothing yet we damage it. I’m no environmentalist, (I actually hate most who are) but I know that well enough.
@Violet Rose in The Rain
That it does, very effective at rooting out the algae and scum in the swamp. Though, I think the mirror is a good place for you to look.
As for the whole “Professional” (Purchased) reporters? Hmmm….. No thank you, I’ll trust me, myself, and I, as any self-respecting human being should. I could go on all day as to why I trust my five senses about the president I voted for, but I think I’ll let Mark Twain explain why I’ll pass on that.
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
It’s amazing how one can say the only reliable source a person can have is their own five senses and nothing else. It’s not as if there are professionals out there who does comprehensive research and publish it for the world to see. It’s not as as if our five senses can deceive us. Nope.