why is Derpibooru so out of touch with movies/music/everything not animation-related, holy shit git gudZoe is well-known as Gamora from Guardians of The GalaxyI wouldn’t be surprised if none of you people have seen that either, Book of Life and the J.J. Abrams Star Trek seriesagain, wouldn’t be surprised
Michael Pena was in The Martian, Ant-Man andregrettablyCHiPs
Emily Blunt was in the latest Huntsman movie and Edge of Tomorrow among other things
Taye Diggs was on Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, and is currently on Empire
Liev Schreiber is Sabretooth in the X-Men universe and Copernicus on Bojack Horseman
Sia is popular worldwideeverywhere but here apparently, primarily known for her collaboration with David Guetta on “Titanium”, her song “Chandelier”, “Unforgettable” in Finding Dorywhich no one here has seen, do you people never watch moviesand wrote “Try Everything” for Shakiragee do you guys know herin Zootopia