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Care for a dance my lady Starlight?
Oh, you are quite the gentle-stallion.
Well, I learned a thing or two in Canterlot.
Hmmm, can I see you without your glasses?But then I can not see a thing, it will be difficult to dance.
That’s alright, I can help you if we get closer together.
Uh, Starlight? Now you are just leaning on me.
I can’t help it if you look so handsome now.==
And she even got him to shave that beard thing, he does look quite handsome–the cape still doesn’t fit. Oh well, this is their night, even if the stallion stud can only see his blurry mare.
Although, GlimGlam could have easily hooked up with somepony better–like maybe a unicorn show magician who’s got sass.I hope y’all find some way to celebrate this holiday, be it romantically or reflecting on your love for others/work. I like workAlso I’m not suggesting people who wear glasses do not look handsome. I wear glasses and being able to make out lettering at least two inches from my face is in my opinion quite fashionable. I really think glasses look nice, I just probably look like a dork in mine.
And the beard is shaved
She don’t this pic is junk she said a better bride is Trixie
Presumably a mistake when adding Sunburst.