It seems that there are only 2 people (under Hasbro’s business umbrella) that know how to characterize Celestia:
A. K. Rogers (Journal of the Two Sisters book) & Andy Price (through his art, not storytelling… not yet).
“Order is a goal. You can work for it through good or evil means. And belive me, I know the difference better than anypony.”
The irony is so far Starlight has only done one thing: talk.
Celestia’s the one who used her magic power to shield them all from Accord long enough to escape. Plus, this time Luna and Twilight are the ones in need of rescue while Celestia isn’t.
Andy Price is the artist, not the writer. The upcoming Celestia & Luna Friends Forever will be the first time he’s ever actually written a story for the comics rather than just being the artist.
Reminds me of the Super Sentai and Power Rangers fans who get annoyed at the Red Ranger getting all the cool toys weapons & power-ups and getting the most character focus.
@Background Pony #2A86
If you actually bothered to read Reflections you would know that they said the evil Celestia was thirsty for power and wanted to conquer and control everything she could. That was literally her motivation for wanting access to Equestria-prime.
I knew Andy was going to request another throwback to Reflections, he does it in most of the ‘epic’ storylines he does and will literally write it on a wall if they won’t spell it outright, but does anyone really expect us to buy that whole ‘she wanted order’ thing? There was not a single instance in her entire description that pointed to her only wanting order. I say description because of course it was all tell don’t show with that piece. But even in just telling us about it, they never said anything like that.
We get it, you won’t let that storyline go, but come on already. This is getting sad.
Okay smell the flowers instead then. The reason I came here is that this is an official MLP comic and as such I am interested in the products being offered by Hasbro and its affiliates in relation to the license of My Little Pony.
@Background Pony #2C6F
Oh come on! Wake up and smell the hummus! And don’t tell me to do the same thing. Because I know that she does indeed have flaws. But no more than anyone else. And if you don’t like Starlight, why, pray tell are you always showing up in these things? I mean, no offence, but one really asked you. And no, my question doesn’t count because it was rhetorical.
Also how exactly is she unemphatic here? You’re just horribly twisting what I say and throwing it back at me. If you’re gonna do something like that, at least put some thought into it you lazy sod….
Well, it’s partly because of how badly mishandled her characterization has been these two years. Her conception is actually fairly interesting, just developed too awkwardly. >3<
And she’s a lot more unempathic than you give her credit for. I mean it shows often (even here), but you seem to refuse to see that. Typical for a Starlight defender. Just sayin