Tom Kenny, voice of the ice king, or the voice of the dollmaker from alice: madness returns, Alistair McGowan.
That’s because those were slice-of-life episodes. MLP is a sitcom, not a superhero show. We have always known that.
No, he gave two examples of later seasons
You’re just cherry-picking to support your attacks. The staff are working harder than ever, and the show’s quality has never been higher.
The Dragon isn’t all that much of a threat, just the thing that propels the Mane 6 up a mountain. The parasprits are a menace but is played far more for comedy than drama. The magic fueled rampages lack the dread or depth other attacks and threats bring. Rainbow saving ponies lives while awesome and great has nowhere near the same scope as defending Equestria.
And another thing is that many of the plot points you bring up were from season 1…
Spike and Rarity stopped each others’ magic-fueled rampages. Spike ultimately was responsible for thwarting Mane-iac.