Nearly forgot Trixie’s eyes were designed to resemble a stallion’s eye-type as an inside callback to her initial concept as a stallion before becoming a mare in BB. X3
@Dirty Bit
Bit of a shock huh? My eyes jumped outta my head when I popped onto derpi and saw that the finale was already being aired. Starlight was meh but her interactions with trixie were gold just like I knew they’d be.
Where the apple lies doesn’t really grab my attention though. I’m sure it’ll be good but It sounds kinda predictable and Flashback epidodes don’t really appeal to me.
I, myself, am struggling with the fact that this episode’s already out. I just hope the other episodes aside from Where the Apple Lies becomes available sooner so I can binge to my heart’s content.
Not only has she stolen my heart but she stole this episode to.
I always knew she had main character potential. I’m gonna weep bitter nerd tears when she goes back to being a secondary one.