Spike himself doesn’t need paise he just happy of the things he do but to those he help like Ember,Thorax,etc remeber it and his name goes down in their history of him helping to where they are now,Dragonlord and King of the changelings.
That pretty much confirms what I suspected for a long time–just like Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 are supposed to spread the magic of friendship to other ponies, Spike’s duty is to do the same thing, but for all the other species. Getting Ember into the fold, as well as befriending Thorax. And to think, it’s all because he returned the Crystal Heart back to its possible spot.
And you’re right, except for one thing–the Crystal Empire would still be a mystery until we were introduced to Cadence. And we know Cadence first as Twilight’s beloved foalsitter, well before she’s also know as Celestia’s niece, or the Ruler of the Crystal Kingdom. No Cadence, no Crystal Heart, no having Twilight to go there nor Spike to save it, no needing to have a Spike statue in the middle of the city, and no Thorax befriending Spike.
Seems like they were planning all this from actually the end of Season 2. And to think back then, so many of us were all pissed that Cadence showed up because we thought it was an obvious “BUT OUR TOYS!!” mantra from Hasbro. Which it more or less still is, but still…
And now it’s apparently confirmed that there will be a season 7 of MLP:FIM in the works. I wonder if there’s gonna be something interesting if we actually have a special for episode #150 if that actually happens…similar to our beloved episode 100..
Exactly my point. Thorax is the kind of character who talks up a storm (for what we’ve seen before the end of the finale.) Now he’s just smiling and nodding like one of the princesses. It’s just unsettling.
All the random background Changling’s that suddenly decided to be “good” are okay at best. Thorax, however…
I went from loving Thorax as a character to just utter disappointment. He turned into a smug prince moose thing in a half a second. It was unbearable. All that I loved about his character, stipped away. From his looks to his personality. It was heartbreaking really.
Did anyone else notice how he was suddenly mute after his transformation?
@Background Pony #523F
Yeah, I’m getting sick and tired of these premieres/finales that put Celestia and/or the other Princesses, Shining Armor, or the Elements of Harmony into a situation where the writers make them the victim of The Worf Effect.
Pardon the profanity, but it is fucking ridiculous!
yeah we need to see the regal siters are there best at some point. we REALLY need to, we want it.
Yet in every single scenario where we cannot, they do have a powerful explanation for it.
In this case, its that chrysalis took advantage of her kingdom’s defenses to use as a means of capture. All that would be needed is if hrysalis had any pony teleported to the kingdom. they would then be helpless
i think thorax was always, oen could say, a ‘king’ changleing. he was dormant, or whatever curse or condition his kind have made him unable to come into it
This is surprisingly accurate considering the Changelings are supposed to resemble insects. You would not believe some of the crazy colored moths out there.
Mm. Seeing it again. Mostly because I loved the Changelings’ Mega Evolution and subsequently how they got nearly everypony else understandably upset. X3
Worse, her only line of dialogue this whole episode was thanking Thorax and hoping to open up relations with him and the Changelings, giving Equestria another ally for whatever the future holds alongside Rutherford, Gilda and Gabriel, and Ember.
Celestia really got shafted this episode, as did her V.A., Nicole Oliver.
Some are dissing King Thorax’s design, and I can see why, but I personally love it. I’ve always been a fan of masculine camp; badass male figures with colorful, sparkly aesthetics.