Starlight does not possess the ability to relate or care about others. She doesn’t seem to understand other ponies feeling and thoughts. Therefore Starlight is unempathic.
Those are legit concerns. I don’t think there’s many Starlight fans who think that what she’s doing here is right.But you know what? I don’t Twilight did the right thing by mind controlling the CMC to fight over a doll. I don’t think Pinkie did the right thing by literally going insane because her friends didn’t let her in on everything. I don’t think Rarity did the right thing treating her friends like garbage and slave driving them while they’re on holiday just to win a fashion competition.That’s what I’m trying to get at when I ‘defend’ Starlight. I’m defending that they might be telling a story here.
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Okay so to all the Starlight Glimmer Fans out there, I’ll admit Starlight does have undue hate cast towards her. However there is a difference between being a “hater” and having reasoned concerns and issues with Starlight, especially when those concerns deal with Starlight’s complete and utter disregard for universal ideals concerning morality and ethics, nevermind her apparent lack of empathy.