Emerald asks if they are going to visit any zebra towns while they are here.
“Well, I hadn’t planned to, but if you want zebra dick that badly I’m sure we can stop by one for fun. I was just going to open a portal back to Whiterwater after we got the royal jelly.” Joyride says with a shrug.
Emerald asks if he could even use a portal with his amulet being anti-magic and stuff.
“I don’t see why not. The portal isn’t being cast specifically on you after all. More like, it’s targeting Spacetime in general.” Joyride remarks.
Emerald says that it is really important he learns more about his amulet, and asks if she can teach him anything about diabolism so that he could at least contact his mother’s piece of jewelry.
Joyride gets that same look she had before and then says, “Ehhh… I’d really rather you not try to contact that thing in your amulet.”
Emerald realizes that he never got Joyride to reveal what Lord Sepulcher told her about his amulet, and asks her about it.
Joyride looks at Emerald for a second, and then says, “Okay, so first thing about diabolism is being able to speak with demons. You already sort of got a hang of it with Pip, but let’s do some more.”
Joyride, still ignoring Emerald’s question, pulls out Pip’s book and says, “Okay, now get out of here and practice.”
Emerald tries to push the issue, but Joyride scoots him outside the door, claiming that she has to clean and pack up the house.