Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
@Background Pony #5E3D  
The rating doesn’t have to be higher to teach about the concept of Death. There also didn’t have to be an episode about Death. People are just hysterical about what they expose their children to these days, yet are more than happy to expose them to issues like homosexuality but shield them from one of the fundamental forces of existence. They could have an episode about Applejack’s Parents if they wanted to and are careful with how they do it. If you shield children from Death completely, when they are finally confronted with it, it might destroy them.
Even Sesame Street had an episode about death. Elmo handled it pretty well.
Background Pony #7D15
@Background Pony #A1E1  
I just feel that MLP should be free to tell these kind of messages about departure like Hey Arnold and Life with Louie did.
Background Pony #EFB9
@Background Pony #5E3D  
Because who cares about giving 4 to 8 year old kids quality cartoons, right?
Background Pony #7D15
I think that for the show to fully spread wings, it should raise the OG rating to 13. Right now we have episodes that “teach about death” with Rainbow Dash pet, but it doesn’t really convey the message when the pet isn’t dead and just sleeping. Real people and animals don’t get to wake up.  
With this rating we would probably finally get an episode about Applejack’s parents.

@Evil Emperor Proteus  
Captain Planet had a lot wrong with it.
That C.O.P.S. show sounds really good.
Can you give me some kids show examples of ‘obvious’ progressive pandering?
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Remember when those kids saw a white man as a villain in a cartoon, and then all children hated white men when they grew up? That never happened?
Have you ever heard of an 80’s cartoon called C.O.P.S? It is a cartoon with a hugely diverse cast, both races and genders, and the main character is a black man. The main character is black, we’ve got mexicans, a brazilian, an italian, and the smartest and strongest two characters are both women.
Today, writers would go “ok we want to look not-racist and progressive, add lots of black people, mexicans, make the women smart and the men dumb, etc…” but back then, they didn’t think like that, at least, not usually, they just came up with all these characters who just so happened to be diverse.
Background Pony #7B68
Ever heard of “Captain Planet and the Planeteers”?

@Evil Emperor Proteus  
I don’t see it as changing the way people think, I see it as trying to introduce the concept to children before prejudice can set in.
The thought shouldn’t be, putting messages in cartoons means a decline in quality, though half-assed episodes will try to tack on the message, I think the thought should be, are the writers of the show able to give this message the respect and intelligence it needs?
Again, I see it as introducing them to the idea of homosexuality before any prejudice can set in, if they make the character’s homosexuality as their only character trait, or if the writers put the character in a more positive or negative light than a clearly heterosexual character, then it can be seen as brainwashing, but if it’s a regular homosexual character, with other traits besides their homosexuality, than I see it as fine.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Very well then. I apologize as well.
But you see, I’m one of those people who thinks things should just be appreciate for what they are, and not be used to try to manipulate or change the way people think. I mean, can’t cartoons just be cartoons? PPG 2016 is full of forced messages and subtle attempts at social manipulation and it suffers horribly for it. I mean, it sucks for other reasons, but those things contribute to said suckage.
Adventure Time suffers sometimes when they’re focusing on messages and forcing social agendas into the show, rather than adventure, and I’ve begun to associate putting messages in cartoons with a decline in quality and abusing writing positions to make cartoon characters mouthpieces. Just look at Brian from Family Guy. He started out as one of my favorite characters, and then became one of my most hated characters in all of cartoon history.
This last one might be a bit of a difficult subject, but what bothers me the most is when children’s cartoons have homosexual characters put in them. Now, I have nothing against homosexuals, but I don’t think this kind of thing is suitable for a children’s cartoon, and feels more like brainwashing than anything else. This is a subject you learn about later in life, in the same way you don’t put sex education in a children’s cartoon.
I only tell you these things to try and show you my side of it, and that I’m not just some enraged bigot.
So yeah, can’t people just appreciate the cartoon about cute, amusing talking cartoon Ponies for the sake of cute, amusing talking cartoon Ponies?

@Evil Emperor Proteus  
I asked if you were some idiot, since I consider those who associate any act of feminism and progressiveness with Tumblr’s extremist branch of feminism idiots, since they will just let Tumblr’s example be a justification to not let any feminist ideals go anywhere. I do apologize though.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Is there a reason why you called me an idiot? Considering you mentioned tumblr extremism, it’s not a good sign your first thought was to call someone who does not agree with you stupid, as it paints you in my eyes as exactly that, a tumblr extremist.

@Evil Emperor Proteus  
Profuse gagging at something good? Are you some idiot who just looks at Tumblr’s extremism and decides that if any of it goes near a kids show, then the kids watching it will be as bad as Tumblr? Being progressive by showing issues that most kids shows don’t show isn’t stupidity, it’s introducing kids to something they will ask about later.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
@Background Pony #45B5  
They are aware adults also watch it. Children are the primary audience.
@Background Pony #5E3D  
profuse gagging

@Background Pony #B591  
Its the third time. His dates has been already interrupted by her trip to look for Breezies, by Tree Hugger and now by trip to Yakyakistan. I still want my beach episode, though.
Background Pony #C13D
And here I thought it was just a funny joke about Discord hitting on Fluttershy.
Background Pony #7D15
@Evil Emperor Proteus  
Being progressive doesn’t mean catering to adults.
Background Pony #7B68
@Background Pony #CD35  
>MLP:FIM should remain for kids  
>Discovery Family  
>Not Discovery Kids
Background Pony #6E85
In all seriousness, MLP:FIM should remain for kids and as an adult fan you really shouldn’t have any place in trying to dictate where the show should go. I’m a huge fan of Pokemon back when I was a kid, and still am but it would be silly of me to try and coerce or nag the show runners now to “cater” to me the same goes for MLP:FIM.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
Thread Starter - Transformers Thread

@Background Pony #45B5
Well, when I watched Power Ponies when it first aired on the Hub, it still had a TV-Y rating. Same with Daring Don’t.
Background Pony #7B68
No, the misconception was that Power Ponies were the first TV-Y7 episode, while that was not the case (it’s not that exciting, really). It’s really depend on the source, some sources round it to TV-Y.
The Mammoth
Artist -

@Evil Emperor Proteus
By that argument Sesame Street is some kind of political conspiracy.
Evil Emperor Proteus

Master of Science
Children are not concerned with those things. No, they’re not.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
Thread Starter - Transformers Thread

@Background Pony #45B5
From what I recall, those two episodes actually weren’t, but there was some misreported stuff before the episodes aired that made people think that they were GOING to be TV-Y7. But when they actually aired, they were still marked as TV-Y.
Background Pony #7B68
>Personally, sometimes I think this show ends up on borderline TVY7 at times.  
It is TV-Y7, depending on episode. For example Power Ponies, Daring Don’t, and some others were TV-Y7. Check it yourself if you don’t believe.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
Thread Starter - Transformers Thread

@The Mammoth
Yeah, that’s the kind of thing I have a problem with.