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Featured on Equestria Daily October 25, 2015…@
Grab your lantern and put on your ring say your oath time for the official release of the Lantern Mane 6 SFM and GMOD
Preview Picture by mod-madclicker@ / Shaboodleguitar :iconshaboodleguitar:
This pack contains all 9 lantern corps with the mane 6 ponies including Derpy Hooves and The Great and Powerful Trixie
Twilight Sparkle (includes Unicorn, Alicorn and Solid)
Pinkie Pie (includes Pinkie and Pinkamena)
Rainbow Dash
The Great and Powerful Trixie
Derpy Hooves
Rings not included download them here Lanter Corps Rings by TomatoGoateeƒ
All this time this model works in GMOD as well SFM