Yeah but i imagine it’s hard for Hasbro and everyday fan to NOT ship it when they are matched otgether so frequently. Cheesee only needed one episode to become her #1 shipping partner and of all her frineds he’s the one getting toyline with her. It will work as a fuel just like Dash with Soarin.
@Background Pony #0C2D
Yes, but just because they pair them together in those occasions, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re being “officialy shipped”. It’s all in the eye of the beholder: While some may see those pairings as shipping, others just see it as no more than being paired together because they’re good friends. It’s not like if Pinkie is paired with Cheese, then Hasbro and staff must imply that they’re supporting that ship. It just means that they want to poke fun with the fans and characters, alike because it has the most defined status (not to mention that revenue, though).
Well it kinda is the first male/female ship that gets into official hasbro toy line. If you don’t count Flash in Equestria Girls series. It feels like all the glory of Sparity from S1 and S2 were now replaced by Fluttercord in the show, comics and merchandise.
Yeah, I agree with you. At this point that’s the reason why I just don’t care towards those who ship a character or themselves with Fluttershy. It doesn’t hurt really - maybe we should be a little happy instead for both agreeing we love that said character, and embrace it. Again, it’s just an inevitable concept, and you should just learn to deal with it. Fluttershy may be my waifu, but it doesn’t really matter if others say the same. The only ship that bugs me is the Fluttercord ship because they stay so faithful towards it; constantly get into arguments/preach it whenever a small remark relates to it; and believe it’s the Holy Grail of a ship in MLP.
There’s a really odd “boundary” component, I think, when people start freaking out about what other people do with their own invisible friends.
“No! That invisible friend is MY invisible friend - get your own invisible friend!”
It’s like watching someone freak out because vanilla ice cream is THEIR favorite flavor and everyone else has to find their own favorite flavor of ice cream.
Why should anyone care at all? First of all, they’re just cartoons; nobody’s ever gonna go on a date with any of them. Second, no matter how much a brony waifus somoene, getting jealous over other characters being shipped with them is just plain childish. There’s nothing to “tolerate” about it because it’s completely harmless.
I personally waifu Pinkie Pie but you would never find me getting pissy whenever she’s shipped with Cheese Sandwich, who’s practically Weird Al Yankovic’s “OC”. I also have a fondness for Twilight Sparkle, but I don’t see Flash Sentry being any kind of “threat” whatsoever unlike so many other losers. In fact, I even support FlashLight. I ship both Flash and myself with her–there you go, problem fuckin’ solved. People who downvote “waifu stealer” pics are just immature pricks who need to get over themselves.
My waifu is under attack, too. At this point I just learned to tolerate it all, however. This picture is just something that will keep occurring inevitably, and unfortunately.
@Lucky Shot
Nice projecting there, bud, glad you have the ability to judge and generalise people whom you know nothing about and never even seen.
>I got this badge by calling out people like you
You calling me out on what exactly? I just responded to your reply to a @Stitch guy, about what I believe in personally, and suddenly you started with this uncalled for passive aggressive shit.