So, if someone, hypothetically of course, had a means of transforming that hurt to the point where even the strongest of wills become convinced that they will explode if they make even the TINIEST of mistakes, would the pain of this transformation cause her to bail out of not wanting to explode?
Could tactical arguments work? Obviously this method would require setting some brainpower aside for keeping when she is or is not needed.
@Scp-3125 @MezzoDragon @Scp-3125
This one actually transforms you completely. No matter what you are, if you put it on you’re transformed into a unicorn with whatever power and knowledge of magic you’d have had if you were born as a unicorn. You could even depower someone like Princess Celestia or Discord with it :D
I would put her on one of those mounted head things that hunters put the catch’s head on then place it over the TV or during nmn/Halloween put it in easy view of the door
Am I the only one imagining a follow-up to this be a reference to Majora’s Mask? Mainly the Transformation Masks, like have Anon in that pose with the unicorn mask on him.
I’m very intrigued by this little cutie. My GF and I now have a short story between involving her going now. We’ve dubbed our version of her ‘Bauta’. Not even the strangest thing we’ve written about thus far!
Well damn, now I’m gonna RP this with my girlfriend. You give us too many ideas with your ponifications. Out of curiosity, how mould this charming young…erm, mask try and convince you to slip her on. If one has no interest in becoming a unicorn, I imagine it being a little hard for her?
Well… the bums in my town are the kind that shamble around rambling “The government’s got my brain in a banana!” so if it’s that kind of homeless how much worse could it make things?