The problem is Magenta is of the RGB (additive) and CMY (subtractive) color models. and pink aren’t. so yeah pink is still one of the shade of magenta. and the only reason why those page exist because people like to mistake magenta as pink that’s happen a lot to my friends.
also that’s not a really Cyan is more like Sky blue which is one of the shade of Cyan.
Cyan is not shade of blue. Calling it shade of blue is like calling yellow is shade of the green or magenta is the shade of the red. It’s the combination of blue and green.
Well actually pink is shade of Magenta. And no Cyan is not shade of blue. Calling it shade of blue is like calling yellow is shade of the green or magenta is the shade of the red. It’s the combination of blue and green.
Magenta is more of a pink color, and Berry Punch appears more purple to me. Cyan is a shade of blue, and Cloud Kicker doesn’t like blue to me. Lavender is a shade of purple.