And also, considering that the Canterlot High Tell-All has decided for Sunset that she likes to “develop apps”, I… can’t help but wonder if this is REALLY the best angle for Sunset Shimmer. I mean, “another student of Celestia’s” had so much potential, but EqG just seems… wasteful.
@Background Pony #779F”:/1178959#comment_5136593
@Sunset’s Minion
I mean that specifically in Friendship Games, Sunset’s outfit didn’t have a cutie mark on it at all. Meanwhile, even the human versions of Twilight’s friends did. Is Hasbro really that hesitant to give Sunset her fifteen minutes of reconciliation with Celestia? I mean, without relegating it to a side-show of a book and strictly an issue of being pen-pals for thirty seconds?
@Background Pony #661F
@Sunset’s Minion
I mean that specifically in Friendship Games, Sunset’s outfit didn’t have a cutie mark on it at all. Meanwhile, even the human versions of Twilight’s friends did. Is Hasbro really that hesitant to give Sunset her fifteen minutes of reconciliation with Celestia? I mean, without relegating it to a side-show of a book and strictly an issue of being pen-pals for thirty seconds?
@Background Pony #661F
So after years of studying advance magic under the rule of a nation and controller of the sun and then spending several more years attempting to gain power to conquer two dimensions, I’ve decided I want to make a fart noise buttons on smart phones!
And also, considering that the Canterlot High Tell-All has decided for Sunset that she likes to “develop apps”, I… can’t help but wonder if this is REALLY the best angle for Sunset Shimmer. I mean, “another student of Celestia’s” had so much potential, but EqG just seems… wasteful.